Tuesday, December 28, 2010

10 Movies to Watch

Merry Christmas readers! :D (IE no one). With the break, I've been revisiting quite a few of my favorite movies, and thought that there just has to be some people miss but really should watch. I'm also consitently JWD's 10 things you should know about blogs on Teamliquid. Anyway, on to the list:

10 Movies you should know about:
1. Shawshank Redemption. - If you haven't watched it, watch it. My absolute favorite. It's so uplifting and inspiring, but it's also directed well with great dialog and top-notch acting.

2. Pulp Fiction. - Amazing directing. Unique Style. Quentin Tarantino. Absolutely love it. It's also epic, and has so many memorable lines.

3. Schindler's List. - Beautiful movie. It's inspiring to see just how selfless people can be, even during the toughest of times.

4. Thank You for Smoking. - I love this movie. It's hilarious, it's quirky, and it really knows how to argue. Watch it for the laughs or the unique style, either way, it's a joy.

5. American Psycho. - A great analysis of human behavior and motives. The main character is so... deranged, yet he seems to represent something in all of us. Great movie either way. Christian Bale's acting is also spectacular in this.

6. Der Untergang/Downfall. - Presents a very interesting perspective of Hitler and the situation of the Germans on the last days of WWII. Acting is spectacular and so is screenplay. Watch.

7. The Pianist. - Spectacular movie. I loved the whole tone of it. I remember just being drawn into the movie when I watched it. Hmmm, it seems that World War II makes very good movies. Or I'm just a drama junkie; either way this movie is amazing.

8. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. - Great movie. Amazing music. I'm such a huge Ennio Morricone fan, and I absolutely love the acting by all three main characters. And hey, who doesn't love Clint Eastwood being a badass?

9. 5cm Per Second. - GORGEOUS art! (Just look at the cover!) Cute story as well which really touches on the realities of life. Watch in 1080p/blu-ray if you can.

10. Departures. - Topping off the list, here's an international film talking about the struggles of a man between his job, his needs, his talents, and his society. Touching film.

Enjoy! :)

Friday, December 10, 2010


noun (plural fiascos)

  • a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way:

    Yes, this is exactly what happened tonight. It was an utter fiasco for me. I humiliated myself with my damn arrogance at our Mock Trial invitational. Why did I have to be so stupid? I remember a quote saying arrogance is for those who earned it. I haven't earned anything. My arrogance was for my idiocy.

    I mean, we could have won that first scrimmage if I just acted more professional, if I just practiced more, if I reviewed my questions more. But I didn't. Why couldn't I be like Breck with their spectacular professionalism and precise and accurate questions? It's because I'm a fiasco when it comes to this. I always say I'll work like crazy, and I never do. >_< Having questions isn't enough. Having an opening isn't enough. Memorizing isn't enough. I need to just repeatedly hammer at this. Then I'll fix it, and I'll improve. I must improve at Mock Trial. From now on, no arrogance until I get to nationals. We have the team this year, I just need to be better. And I will be. No more stupid me, time for me to actually be smart. =/

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Time just seems to tick away in the face of starcraft.

A furious swarm of continuous images, and an hour goes by. What can I say? There are few things more mystical than time. Starcraft just happens to be one of them.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Routine

Wake up feeling tired. Snooze another 10 minutes.
Eat breakfast. Enjoy the warmth I gain from hot soup and toasty bread.
Ride a bus. 20 minute power nap.


Get to school. Go upstairs. See my friends. Chit chat about nothing. This is the best part.
Go to Physics. Do APUSH. Take some notes. Almost fall asleep. Take more notes. Rinse and Repeat.
Go to Calc. Finish APUSH. Play Smash.
Go to APUSH. BS a quiz. Go to Lunch. Go back and read The Metrosexual Guide to Style and put it in random APUSH classwork.
20 minutes to Mentor Site. Another power nap.
4 hours of work, learning, and curiosity.
Get snowed on while running for 10 minutes. Appreciate the romance in the wintry air. Marvel at the snowflakes. Reach out with a hand, a tongue, be intrigued. An inquisitive mind blocks out all discomforts.

Snow is pretty magical.

Get on the bus. Place head against the shaking rail with a cold window. Wish some wishes as the mind drifts towards the unconscious.
Wake up! Wonder about location. See Providence Academy. Smile. Call parents. Get off bus. Walk to Wayzata High School again. Rejoice.
Go home. Snuggle tight in a blanket. Enjoy the cozy atmosphere.

Somewhere along the way:
Think about it.
Wish something would happen.
Stop it.
Forget about it.
Regret it.