Friday, December 10, 2010


noun (plural fiascos)

  • a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way:

    Yes, this is exactly what happened tonight. It was an utter fiasco for me. I humiliated myself with my damn arrogance at our Mock Trial invitational. Why did I have to be so stupid? I remember a quote saying arrogance is for those who earned it. I haven't earned anything. My arrogance was for my idiocy.

    I mean, we could have won that first scrimmage if I just acted more professional, if I just practiced more, if I reviewed my questions more. But I didn't. Why couldn't I be like Breck with their spectacular professionalism and precise and accurate questions? It's because I'm a fiasco when it comes to this. I always say I'll work like crazy, and I never do. >_< Having questions isn't enough. Having an opening isn't enough. Memorizing isn't enough. I need to just repeatedly hammer at this. Then I'll fix it, and I'll improve. I must improve at Mock Trial. From now on, no arrogance until I get to nationals. We have the team this year, I just need to be better. And I will be. No more stupid me, time for me to actually be smart. =/

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