Monday, January 31, 2011

Long time, new semester

My goodness it's been a long time! Well, it's not like I'm disappointing any readers out there because there are none. Sad, but true. :/ Let's move on. Why am I suddenly writing again? Because the new semester, and AP Composition, have appeared as new enemies, well challenges, in the grass. To be honest, AP Composition seems to have the same intense feel as AP European history did, but for entirely different reasons. In Euro, we had to learn to study, to memorize efficiently, and to do some basic analysis. In AP Composition, we're going to have to, at the very least, analyze and at the most, synthesize.

Blooms taxonomy (of learning?)

The thing is, I'm not scared per say. It's more that I'm intrigued. I've been wanting a challenge, and I think this class will provide it. As Mr. Schmit usually says, it'll kick my butt. xD But through the pain, I'll learn and control the tools for writing. Maybe my blog posts won't be so mindless anymore; maybe my blog posts will actually be interesting, or maybe I'll actually use more interesting diction to convey my meanings. Either way, I feel like this course will be a great experience, and I can't wait to improve my reading, writing, and analysis skills throughout the semester. ^_^

Hope you guys (all 0 of you) are enjoying the winter, hahaha. Anyone like skiing?
Also, last note, shout out to Violet, hope you recover soon. :( Fight through it man.

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