Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pandora's Box

Last Friday, Pandora's box was opened for me. No, it's not that I discovered Pandora Radio (pshhhhh, discovered it long ago man.) It's that I found Uptown! :D

Following X-Men: First Class, Anisha and Leona took Ivan, Ish, and I to explore Uptown. We had quite a time getting there, with Ivan and Anisha fighting about directions for a little bit, but we got there. :p Eventually.

So we parked at McDonalds and walked to Cheapos. It started to rain a bit. Not too heavy, but not a drizzle either. I cracked some jokes to Ish about El Cheapos. Lame jokes. Real lame.

Cheapos is pretty big. They have a HUGE collection of music. Just... not Asian music. See, I was searching for Kpop, but they only had pop on records. You know, like those 45 rpm old school style vinyls. Meh, back to international, modern rock, and rap I guess.

Oh, they also had a ton of DVDs. I saw Yu-gi-oh DVDs there. ^_^ Like, the really old episodes from back when it was Yugi on that island trying to get to Pegasus. 2000 life points, crazy rules I never understood, yeah. Good times.

We left Cheapos without buying a thing (LOL CHEAPOS.) We walked to Sushi Tango in the rain. Ish described the feeling best. It was like Europe. I love Europe. Maybe that's why I love Uptown. Anyway, it kinda felt like this picture (I'll spare you some words)

Sushi Tango was nice. It was really... hipster and chic though. Nothing wrong with that, except wow, the bowls used for serving noodles were ridiculous. Oh, and I didn't bring enough money. I fail. The sushi was quite good. Ivan seemed to enjoy his Sashimi. I think the Tempura was a bit heavy though. Maybe too focused on the batter and frying instead of on the ingredients. Just what it looked like to me.

That's Tempura

It was a pretty fun night. I'd definitely go again. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^


  1. <3
    let's go again soon

  2. Dude, you're a noob... the store is called Cheapo, not Cheapos
