Monday, September 12, 2011

Some thoughts

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I was thinking about what to write. I stared at the ceiling and saw a black dot. I can't see it anymore. I'm too far away. I need to lie down on my bed, limbs splayed towards the four corners, and stare to find it once more. I like that dot.

Sadder thought, today's 9/11. Even sadder yet, I remember nothing specific from 10 years ago. I remember a TV on the left corner of the classroom and a teacher's desk on the right side. I remember wooden desks with trays kind of like drawers to put your stuff in. What I don't remember is school ending early, TVs conveying the tragedy, or two towers toppling amidst smoke and fire.
It's a day of great emotion, yet I feel somehow distant, aloof. I'm sorry if this wasn't the tribute you're looking for. My condolences for people who lost someone today. My gratitude for the heroic who saved others without fear. My patriotism for the America that's pulled through the rubble. Nonetheless, my memories stay obscure, and you'll have to forgive me that.

I've toned down the cynicism, but one thing I must say: I'm annoyed by people who post statuses displaying sappy epigrams on Facebook. It feels like the Scribes and Pharisees who pray in front of others simply to show their devoutness. Facebook statuses, as a medium, are also not serious at all. Why do people choose to use it to display emotions that should strong and significant? It seems mocking to me. It also clogs up my Facebook. Attack me on this point if you will. I shall express myself as I am.


  1. *should be

    and Minnesota IS known as the state of passive-aggressive-ness. :P does your statement apply to other forms of statuses as well?

  2. Oh yes. Many others. Anything cheesy will irk me.
