Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Essence of Mock Trial

     This was my narrative for AP Comp. I later revised it into my 1000 character college essay. It's not wholly true. It's not meant to be. It's true to spirit rather than fact. I loved Mock Trial, and I'm heartbroken that my final year's over. That is why I want to share the experience. Enjoy.

Silence. The clock ticked. The judges, hunched in the corner, whispered amongst themselves.
I scribbled onto a notebook, “Think we won?”
“I hate this,” wrote Julia
“Ugh, I screwed up,” wrote Divya
“Chill, just chill…”
Movement. We looked to the towering benches. The judges pulled their chairs back. We stood up.
“Council may sit down.”
I started twirling my pen, over and over. Twirl, spin, around the thumb, and then between the fingers.
“We’ve made a decision, but let’s give comments first.”
Scribble, scribble. Notes. My mind screamed. I smiled.
“We thought everyone did a spectacular job. I was really impressed neither side used notes, and ...” I tuned out.
Five minutes of doodling go by. The judges stop talking. I rush to the bench, say the pleasantries: please, thank you, thanks for judging, any advice specifically for me, how do I get better on direct. The usual bullshit. I just want the sheet of paper.
Pink slip, thirteen numbers per column, two columns a page. I take a glance and walk towards the conference room.
“Guys, that was great. Be proud of your performance. I think you really gave it your all,” said Will, ever the upbeat coach.
I smiled. I stuffed my notebook, my pen, and my affidavits into my backpack. My teammates started to leave. I turned to Julia and opened my arms.
“Thanks for the three years.”
“Yeah, it’s been great.”
Then I hugged Divya, and said, “Maybe we should’ve put peanuts in their food after all huh?”
“Haha, and poison darts. Zoom.” She clapped her thumb and her pointer finger, and she snapped her wrist forward. “Maybe I’ll come back next year.”
“Yeah! Super-senior it up! Hahaha.”
They left. I carried our box of materials to the bus, walking alongside Will.
“We did pretty well didn’t we Will?”
“Yeah. Easily the strongest team so far. You guys should be proud.”
“Next year, we‘ll be even stronger.” I stepped aboard, put down the box next to Sami. We talked. You know, complain about school and shoot the breeze. Next thing I know, we were at the high school.
I stepped off the bus and waved. Snowflakes fell. I opened the door of my dad’s Honda.
“怎么样?” How was it?
“We lost.”
“为什么?” Why?
“Because they were better. Because I was stupid. Because I screwed up my closing arguments. Because because because! We were so close too. Six points. Just six points!”
“还有明年。” There’s still next year.
I closed my fists, inhaled. I stared out the window: pitch black darkness. I emptied my lungs and sighed. A bit of moisture came to my eyes. I blinked it away. I turned back toward the front, looking forward onto the path illuminated by the car lights.
Then I replied, “明年不会一样的。。。Julia and Divya will both be gone.”

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