Thursday, March 1, 2012

Accidental Experiments

I didn't intend for it to break. No, not at all. My first reaction was, "Oh ****. My dad's going to kill me." Turns out he didn't. Second thought, "**** me." Yeah, I swear a lot when things break. Call it heat of the moment. Turns out I'm just fine. Better than fine: productive.

For the past few days, I've been without my laptop. I'm spoiled; I'll admit it. It feels weird not being able to check email, facebook, and teamliquid at the tap of a  key. I guess I'm just used to feeling so connected. Now, everything is cut off. Whereas I used to check facebook and teamliquid once an hour, I now check them maybe twice a day. Things change once your hard drive breaks.

T_T My hard drive

So what have I been doing instead? Well, for starters, finishing homework. Chem homework is no longer done 15 minutes before the bus arrives. Diffeq homework is no longer saved until 12 in the morning and lasting until 1. Today, I finished homework by 8. Quite an accomplishment if I'm allowed to say so myself. I've been sleeping at 11, 11:30 max. I've also started reading more. I'm almost finished with As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, and I'll soon be able to start on Bleak House, The Iliad, and The Sound and the Fury, all of which are just lying around my house.

Of course, having a hard drive breaking has its own fair share of difficulties. For one, I lost all my data. This means all my... *cough* movies! What? I have a cough. Anyway, goodbye Shawshank, Pulp Fiction, and Reservoir Dogs. Goodbye my books T_T. I'll miss A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby especially. :( My hard drive held my library. I also lost my work on Part II with Matt Wilson. Sigh...

If that said Part II, it'd be dead on.

Hardest of all? No Starcraft on weekends. God, I was practicing for the D-Ranked Teamleague on Teamliquid too. T_T My APM was rising. I was getting help from Puppykiller and Lumire. I even had the 6 hatch hydra build down. Well that all went down the drain. Sigh... I need to start some other time them.

Oh, not to mention my TL article titled Resurgam is gone too. Sigh. So much work gone. Next time, I really need to back things up. >_<

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