Monday, May 16, 2011

It's all in the walk

I'll walk with my head down, my back hunched, and my step low. I'll drag each step a tiny bit, barely letting my shoes brush the ground. I walked into school today, but I'm not always in the mood to walk.

So I'll saunter around back straight and head back, enjoying the sun outdoors. I close my eyes. The bright rays of warmth and joy create an ocean of red. Inhale. Exhale. Smile. I sauntered to my bus today, but I'm not always in the mood to saunter.

So I'll pace with quick, short steps that clap tappity tap against the muffling carpet floor. Back and forth across an interval of five meters, no more, no less, reciting lines and repeating phrases. I pace before competitions, but I'm not always in the mood to pace.

So I'll strut, head high, steps long, and shoulders broad. Arrogance radiates in this style accomplished only with the help of a suit, tie, and black pants and black shoes. I'm not always in the mood to strut, but hey, there are many more ways to "walk." It's all about the walk.