Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sneak peak.

Summer's starting up, but school's not done yet. I think this weekend has been a sneak peak into my summer. It was freaking amazing.

Friday - Nothing spectacular. Last day at the Fed. :( Kinda sad about that. But hey, I figure it's that time for anime characters to go into a hyperbolic time chamber and come out with new techniques and stuff. Summer will be my training time. Study up, study up! Went to the Twins game too. Left by the 5th inning. Too cold. Did they win? I never found out.

It was about this size

Saturday - Possibly best day of the weekend? Fishing in the morning with Bradley's Dad, Bradley, and Naveen. It was awesome. ^_^ I even caught a fish (a Sunny at that lol.) Thanks Bradley for taking me fishing. I hope we can do it more often. :D If only I wasn't so helpless in untangling fishing rods. Hahaha. I have to admit, Bradley was really patient throughout, always helping Nav and I change lures and stuff. Also sitting through Naveen and I catch everything and everyone on the boat. Yeah... :p Then volunteered at methodist with Arsalan (who's awesome.) Then played SC with Ivan, Evan, Oli, Partha and Ishmam. SC BROS FTW! Oli and I make a great team :p. Cheese ftw? I think so, lol.

Om nom nom!

Sunday - 2 hours of basketball, then hanging out at Zhus. Played more basketball, watched Hangover II, tried to learn tricking and failed, but had a helluva time. Only bad part was the completely sore muscles afterwards.

Monday - Felt like an extension of Sunday. Took a nap. Worked on proposal. Felt like shit. Didn't even SC. Kinda regret not going to the math team party now, lol.

Today - Another round of basketball. This time with Lewin, Richard, Lawrence, and Chris. God I suck at shooting. If I can get my shot to actually go IN, I might actually be decent. Lewin is a BEAST on defense. Cannot get past the man. Richard is a great player overall, defensively and offensively. His ball handling skills are good, and his jump shots destroyed us. Lawrence on a good day is like Dirk Nowitzki. CAN'T STOP THAT FADEAWAY!

Oh by the way? Mavs in six. Watch out Heats.

Hope the summer includes as much fun and basketball. ^_^ Now... just gotta finish that proposal. Ugh. Revisions suck when the audience changes.

1 comment:

  1. You were better than Nav though at least, lol. That kid tangled line every five minutes.
