Monday, May 9, 2011

Pride and Prejudice


No, unfortunately, I’m not here to talk about Jane Austen’s enjoyable book (yes, it was a fun read, get at me.) I’m talking about the new-found arrogance and stupidity of native Chinese people. I guess Jeff’s rants about his fellow Chinese have finally caught on.

Note: I am Chinese. I was born in China, and I lived there until I was around 6 and 1/2 years old before moving here. I value my culture, and the teachings and proverbs it has taught me. I also happen to love Chinese culture, at least, the history of it. I also love the cuisine. I’ll take a Chinese meal over an American one anytime.  I prefer chopsticks over forks or spoons. While I speak Chinese at a decent level, my writing and reading skills are mediocre. English has become my natural tongue. My ethics, etiquettes, morals, and mannerisms come from American culture.

I write this post because apparently kids from China who come to study in America brag about how rich they are. They hold it over Chinese-Americans with questions like, “Aren’t you sad how my parents stayed in China and now are rich?” or statements like, “My parents are better than yours because they didn’t need to move to make a fortune.” Hey, newsflash dumbasses, China is still a shit hole. (Oops, swearing. Too bad, I doubt I have 12 year olds reading my posts). Also, the reason your parents didn’t move out was because they weren’t good enough. Get it right.

I hate having this type of thinking wriggling around, demeaning the hard work my parents had to go through. I hate this type of mis-informed, self-righteous, and wholly undeserved arrogant attitude.

What I hate most is how poorly it represents Chinese people. I take offense that I’m associated with such idiots. Why I don’t like this type of behavior:

1. No one should ever pad their own pride with their PARENTS achievements. Go achieve something on your own first.

2. No one should brag about their families' wealth. Technically, it’s not even yours.

3. Making your friends feel bad on purpose is just being a douchebag.

4. The god damn ego that’s embedded in such statements annoys the hell out of me. Humble, confident, and proud is much better than insecure, pompous, and self-serving.

5. The underlying Chinese Nationalism of CHINESE>AMERICA HURR DURR DURR. Why’d you even come over here then? Why’d your parents send you over to America?

Whatever. The anger I first had when I wrote this post is gone, but since this is a blog that’s supposed to just show my thoughts, I thought I might as well publish it.

What a rant. I still hold a certain prejudice against Chinese people, especially nationalistic ones. China is still a horrible place to live right now. Don’t hold it up on a pedestal please.

Chinese people also need to learn some manner. And some morals. And some etiquette. And some decency.

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